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THE DATE IS 1 JUN 1992 .. 32 YEARS OF BLESSFUL LIFE TOGETHER .. ALHAMDULILLAH . ALHAMDULILLAH .. SYUKUR atas nikmat kebahagiaan serta apa jua yg kami sekeluarga dpt SEPANJANG HAYAT dunia akhirat. SEMOGA ALLAH SWT limpahkan RAHMAT sebnyaknya kpd kami utk berbuat kebaikan sebnyaknya. Serta hidup dlm keberkatan ketaqwaan keimanan serta kaseh sayang yg berpanjangan . Aameeennn yra.
For the sauce: 1 large egg 3/4 cup half and half (175ml) 1/2 cup granulated sugar (100g) dash of cinnamon (1/4 tsp) splash of vanilla extract (1/2 tsp) pinch of freshly ground nutmeg (1/8 tsp) splash of Jim Beam Bourbon (1 Tbsp) In a small saucepan combine egg, half and half and sugar. Mix well. Add in cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla and Jim Beam. Cook over low heat until simmering and sauce thickens while whisking constantly. Sauce may foam up but bubbles will subside when taken off heat. When it's done, sauce will coat the back of a spoon and will resemble a thin pudding in consistency.